Haselt –
New Limbergbos from Herselt krijgt vorm. You can reach Natuurpunt and see the range of activity of Vrijwilligers in 1,400 plots of 1 hectare. The people of Limberg raised Eiken Elzenbosch in Limberg.
Check the plant status of 350 Wintereiken, 200 Zomereiken, 350 zwarte elzen en een diversiteit aan esdoorns, berken, hazelaars, zoete kersen, spork, boswilgen en lijsterbessen aangeplant. “Helselt’s financial policy will contribute to the financing of Kerstkrog and enable us to realize the project,” said Guido Ceulemans van Natuurpunt Herselt. “Linbergbosch has long protected Helselt in order to combat biodiversity and climate change.”
Find out the safest places in open water and find out what you need to know to stay informed. “Promote this project in Helselt and promote Grone’s activities.”, Sekt Burgemeester, Peter Keimulen (Virginia). (Kuvro)